Amazon Advertising Report

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Key takeaways

60% of Amazon sellers, brands, and businesses sell on at least one other channel, with many planning to expand further in the coming months. As their ecommerce footprints grow, brands and sellers are diversifying ad spend and increasing investment in channels like paid search.

While RoAS increased for budget-friendly products year-over-year, it dropped more than 40% for pricier items. This reflects ongoing consumer price sensitivity, highlighting shoppers’ preference for lower-priced items in both ad engagement and purchases. Understanding this relationship will be vital for advertisers to maximize returns.

Rising ad costs are the number one challenge for brands selling on Amazon, and RoAS has dipped across several Amazon ad types. To mitigate this challenge, more brands are turning to Google advertising. On average, Google campaigns that direct shoppers to Amazon listings deliver a 203% RoAS.

Inside this free report:

  • Which ad types and tactics deliver the highest returns on ad spend
  • How Google ads can increase the efficiency of your budget and generate new sales
  • Which Amazon categories are the most competitive for advertisers
  • What AI, social media, and other factors mean for the future of advertising

About the report


The Amazon advertising data used in this report comes from Jungle Scout’s ecommerce data, collected for the January 2021 through March 2024 time frame across 21 global marketplaces.

Google advertising data was provided by Ampd and reflects Google ad campaigns directing traffic to Amazon. Read the full report for more details.

Using the data

We encourage you to explore Jungle Scout’s 2024 Amazon Advertising Report and to share, reference, and publish the findings with attribution to “Jungle Scout” and a link to this page.

For more information, specific data requests, media assets, or to reach the report’s authors, please contact us at [email protected].

Jungle Scout for sellers & SMBs

Jungle Scout is the leading platform for first-time and established ecommerce sellers, supporting more than $50 billion in annual Amazon revenue. Founded in 2015 as the first Amazon product research tool, Jungle Scout today features a full suite of best-in-class business management and market intelligence solutions to help sellers jumpstart and grow their ecommerce business.

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Jungle Scout Cobalt empowers brands and retailers with a powerful suite of ecommerce tools designed to drive growth, maximize sales, and optimize digital shelf performance on Amazon. Comprehensive data analytics, built-in advertising automation, and intuitive visualizations provide straightforward answers to critical ecommerce questions, turning insights into action.

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