Jungle Scout: November Release Notes

Welcome to Release Notes!  We highlight recent product improvements and new features we have made on our end, to make things on your end even better.  Here’s what we launched in November.

New to Selling on Amazon?

If this is your first time learning about Amazon selling and would like to learn more about the process, be sure to check out our FREE course on Amazon selling: How to Sell on Amazon FBA for Beginners.

Also, make sure you check out the Jungle Scout Web App, the #1 tool to help starting sellers create their Amazon businesses.

Jungle Scout Feature Updates: Extension Expands

Our team overhauled the JS extension to support more marketplaces.  Now you can use the same extension as you always have and browse the German store, UK store, French store, Canadian store in addition to the old favorite, the US store.  No need for new installs, the auto-update gave you access to get information on more marketplaces than ever.  Simply head to amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.ca or amazon.com and click the extension.  Easy peasy.




Jungle Scout Feature Updates: Chat With Us

We have expanded our support team to help you even more.  Now you can chat with a member of our team directly on your screen.  Simply click the chat icon at the bottom right hand corner of your screen when you are in the app, on our support pages, or just on the homepage.  If we are offline you can also leave us a message without even opening your email 🙂



Jungle Scout Feature Updates: Knowledge Bomb Drops

We love giving back each month and this month was no different.  We had the opportunity to chat with the guys from Empire Flippers as well as hosting a Product Research 101 webinar for our users.  Check out the replays below if you missed them.


Empire Flippers: How To Sell Your Amazon Business For Maximum Profits

Product Research 101 with Greg and Gen: What To Sell On Amazon


And Our Social Mission


In November we also added a discount for active and retired military members and our Jungle Scholar program.  If you are actively serving or retired just send us an email with a few documents and we will get your discount applied to your current purchase.  Check out this page for more info:


Veteran Discount


We are also excited to announce a scholarship program to students in the US who are studying in business, entrepreneurship and computer science related fields.  Jungle Scout is fully funding this initiative but want to invite others to join in a cause so close to many hearts.  We are selling Jungle Scout T-shirts, on Amazon of course, and all funds go directly to the scholarship.  You can find more about it here:



November was a great month and we are stoked to see what December has in store.  If you have feedback and suggestions for us send them to [email protected] we are always listening!


PS We are hard at work on some holiday specials, enter your email here if you want to be the first to know about those!

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