
Amazon Product Videos: The Ultimate FBA Seller Guide

Amazon Product Videos: The Ultimate FBA Seller Guide
Table of Contents

Why use Amazon product videos for your product listing?

Can any seller add an Amazon product video to their listing?

Best practices for creating product videos

As crucial as your listing copy, images, and A+ content are, adding product videos to your Amazon listings can vastly improve the customer experience. 

Since a customer cannot physically interact with your product before deciding to purchase, the way you present your product on your Amazon listing is the customer’s only experience with it. 

While there’s nothing better than a customer experiencing your product in person, watching a video comes closest to that moment of product discovery and connection. 

If you want to make an exceptional listing experience and increase conversions, you should consider creating a product video. 

Why use Amazon product videos for your product listing?

The short answer: they’ll help you sell more products. 

Amazon’s goal is to create a seamless shopping experience, and they provide third-party sellers with a variety of tools to help them make that experience better for their customers. Through video, customers can truly see how the product works beyond scrolling through a few static images. 

An Amazon product video brings many benefits to your listing:

  • A video brings your product to life, and the customer can better imagine themselves using it
  • It provides better angles and perspectives of your product
  • You get to show off  your product’s uses, features, and benefits instantly
  • It gives you a leg up on your competitors that don’t have product videos
  • It can keep a customer engaged while on your listing, create a connection to your product, and help increase your conversion rate 
  • Because videos can give your customer clear product expectations, you can avoid negative reviews

96% of consumers stated they find product videos helpful when making purchases online. Product videos give the customer additional insight and visualization of your product that text and static images can’t achieve on their own. 

Where does an Amazon product video appear on your listing?

When you upload a video to your product listing, it will appear under the main product images section. Customers can easily find and view the video without having to scroll through your listing. 

When you click on the video thumbnail, it will open a bigger window through which customers can watch the video. 

Can any seller add an Amazon product video to their listing?

Yes. Amazon once only allowed brands enrolled in Brand Registry to upload a video to a listing but now, anyone can upload a video to a product listing.

How to Register Your Brand on Amazon Brand Registry

This is excellent news for sellers with brands not yet enrolled in Brand Registry but who want to upload a product video. 

How to upload a product video in Seller Central

In Seller Central, go to the Catalog tab and click on ‘Upload and Manage Videos.’ 

On the next screen, you’ll see a button that says ‘Upload Video.’

Here, you will see an option under ASINs to choose Brand or Non-brand. If you have a brand enrolled in Brand Registry, choose brand and you can enter up to 300 ASINs related to the product video. If you do not have a brand enrolled in Brand Registry, choose non-brand and you add one ASIN related to the product video. 

Common Amazon product video types 

There are a few different video types you can create for your product. The kind of video you produce depends on the kind of product that you are selling. For instance, if you sell a clothing or jewelry product, a product highlight or lifestyle video would showcase your product the best. 

Product highlights video

This video type calls out your product’s essential features, uses, and benefits. Use a product highlights video to point out to potential customers exactly what your product has to offer. When making this video, focus on your product’s key attributes, and keep it short, simple, and to the point. 

Check out this Amazon listing for an example of a product highlight video. 

Lifestyle video

A lifestyle video showcases the product in use by your target audience. This gives your potential customers an idea of how they can enjoy the product and a chance to picture themselves using it. When making this type of video, knowing your target audience and what they’re looking for is essential. Aim to connect them with your product and help them envision how it can improve their lives. 

Check out this Amazon listing for an example of a lifestyle video. 

Unboxing/explainer video

You’ve seen this type of video on YouTube before: someone unboxes a product from start to finish, and you get to see and learn about everything that comes in the package. This kind of video can give customers the satisfaction of knowing what their order will look like when it arrives and allows them to unbox the product vicariously. If done well, an unboxing/explainer video can help tip customers over to making a purchase. 

Check out this Amazon listing for an example of an unboxing video. 

Comparison video

This video type shows your product in comparison to a competing item. It’s a bold but effective move, especially if there are good reasons your product fares better than the competition. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to mention your competitors by name. Instead, you can use discreet language such as “ours vs. theirs.” This kind of video works best if your product can solve a particular problem that your competitors’ product cannot. 

Check out this Amazon listing for an example of a comparison video. 

Best practices for creating product videos

When it comes to producing videos for your Amazon products, you have two options: you can make the video yourself or hire a professional videographer. If you are uncomfortable recording a video on your own, we suggest working with a freelancer or video production company with experience producing Amazon product videos. 

But with every new smartphone equipped with HD or 4K cameras, you can create high-quality videos that are suitable for your Amazon listing. If you want to produce your video, take a look at your competitors’  to understand what they’re doing.

How can you make your video better? Make a note of what they’re missing, and make sure to add it to your video. 

Now that you know the different types of videos you can create for your products, let’s go over some Dos and Don’ts for video production.


  • Try to hook your viewer within the first couple of seconds of the video. The customer will lose interest and click out if you have a long introduction.
  • Keep the video short and to the point. Cut out any fluff or unnecessary information. We recommend keeping the video to under one minute. Note: if you want to use your video for Sponsored Brands video ads, it must be under 45 seconds.
  • Ask yourself this question: What problem does my product solve? Show off your product as the solution to your customer’s problem. A product highlight or comparison video is a great way to address this.
  • Make sure you have excellent audio quality. If the audio is difficult to hear or muffled in any way, no one will want to watch it. Invest in a decent microphone that you can simply plug into your camera or phone. 
  • Ensure your shots are smooth, stable, and professional-looking. If you are using your phone to record your video, purchase an affordable phone stand.
  • Use free video editing software such as iMovie or CapCut to combine your clips. You don’t need any fancy equipment or software to produce a quality video.
  • Focus on your main features and benefits, so the customer gets the most out of your video. Customers prefer to view product videos to see the product in action and learn more about the product without reading a bunch of copy.
  • Use good lighting throughout the video. Make sure your product is well-lit, without dark corners or glare. If you don’t have professional lighting, natural light works just as well.
  • Use on-screen text to point out important features or benefits of the product. This is especially helpful if someone is watching your video with the sound off.
  • Use royalty-free music in the background of your video to create a mood and give it a professional finish.


  • Don’t include any promotional information (such as “special sale” or “limited time”), discount codes, or time-sensitive language within your video. Amazon prohibits the use of promotional information and will not approve your video if you include this content in your listing.
  • Don’t include any defamatory statements about your competitors. As mentioned above, you cannot talk about other brands in your videos. Limit such references to “our competitors.”
  • Don’t make any health claims that violate Amazon’s Terms of Service. Anything that you cannot include within your listing copy, you cannot have in your video.
  • Don’t try to direct viewers away from Amazon, such as adding a URL to your own website. Amazon will not approve your video if you do so. 

Speaking of videos, we have a great YouTube video on the topic of how to create a product video for your Amazon listing! Check it out:

Start creating your very own product video!

Adding a product video to your Amazon listing not only makes for a better customer experience but is sure to help increase your overall conversion rates. We hope this guide enables you to create an excellent video for your Amazon product! Which video type interests you the most? 

If you have any more questions about creating videos for your Amazon products, let us know in the comments!

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Brian Connolly is an Amazon seller, ecommerce expert, and writer for Jungle Scout. He lives in the New Jersey Shore area with his wife and cat. When he isn’t writing advice online for aspiring and experienced Amazon sellers for Jungle Scout, he spends his free time boating, fishing, and selling boating-themed items on his Amazon business.

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