Amazon product launch deal websites

Myth Busters: Are Amazon Product Launch Websites Bad for FBA Sellers?

Amazon product launch and deal websites provide a fast and easy way to spike product sales. Handing out deep discounts to hungry bargain hunters is an almost guaranteed way to start a buying frenzy.

But is this really such a good idea for FBA sellers?

Some sellers worry about negative consequences of using Amazon deal websites. Are you worried about the same thing? Let us help clarify a few things about deal sites, like why sellers use them, how they work, the potential risks and the results being achieved by sellers using them today.

What Are Amazon Product Launch Websites?

Product launch or Amazon deal websites are designed to help new sellers gain momentum in the competitive Amazon marketplace. They set up win-win scenarios whereby customers get bargains and sellers gain traction on Amazon.

Key Benefits For FBA Sellers

Sellers use these websites to quickly boost sales for new products that have little organic exposure. Spiking sales in this way comes with a number of benefits:

  • Increasing product listing Best-Seller-Rating (BSR)
  • Boosting keyword ranking and marketplace visibility
  • Gaining new customers that can leave reviews

In a nutshell: Increasing sales velocity, even in the short-term, offers great benefits to sellers trying to establish new products.

Positives & Negatives

The beauty of using Amazon deal websites is the ease of execution. There’s simply no faster way to sell units and generate reviews.

  • Set up a promotion in under five minutes
  • Generate sales almost immediately
  • No technical experience required

One minor drawback is the fact that sellers must deeply discount products to attract buyers. However, many sellers still successfully run promotions at cost, or with a small profit.

Costs for using Amazon Deal Websites are usually quite low, along with the barriers to entry. But you’ve got to be willing to let a certain amount of stock go to fuel the fire. Think of this as a marketing investment to kick start your business.

Are There Any Risks For FBA Sellers?

No, there shouldn’t be if the deals site your using abides to Amazon’s TOS. We encourage our readers to conduct their own research on websites they use. Not all deal websites out there are operating within Amazon’s Terms of Service, so beware.

What we will say is, you are not breaking Amazon TOS by giving out products with deep discounts. Nor is there anything wrong with asking customers for honest reviews after they make a purchase (discounted or not).

But these activities are against Amazon’s TOS and will get you into trouble:

  • Incentivizing reviews by providing discounts in exchange for a review
  • Paying customers to review your product
  • Telling customers they must leave a positive review

Any Amazon Product Launch Websites that encourage you to do any of these should be avoided at all costs!

Won’t Someone Steal Your Idea?

Some sellers are fearful that product launch websites are like shark tanks where sellers look to steal ideas. While it’s true that other sellers using the service can see your products, it’s not much different than them browsing Amazon and looking through products.

Sure, maybe you’re launching a new product and it might peak their interest. The likelihood of someone building an entire business just to rip-off an idea they saw on a launch website, though, is unlikely.

Furthermore, you are already up and selling. They would have to source a product, develop a brand, send inventory to Amazon then try to launch themselves. Even if they did, you’d be well ahead of them by then!

Are There Alternatives To Using Amazon Deal Websites?

We recently published our European Million Dollar Case Study where a number of different launch strategies were compared. Interestingly, product launch websites like Jungle Scout turned out to be the easiest and most cost-effective way to launch products in Europe.

Comparison Graph of Different Launch Strategies

Alternatives To Consider:

  1. Amazon Pay-Per-Click – Your product is seen and generates more sales when you set up a PPC campaign correctly. However, when you’re paying for every click, the learning curve is quite steep.
  2. Build an Email List – Building your own brand audience is a great way to promote products and spike sales on command. However, this takes significant time and effort before it provides results.
  3. Use an Existing Audience – If you are an influencer (or can leverage one), you could launch your product to an audience using promotional strategies. Yet this may require more time, effort and monetary investment than other routes.
  4. Paid External Traffic – You could run ads on other platforms such Google AdWords or Facebook and direct traffic to your Amazon listing. However, this will require a degree of expertise and a higher investment to pull off.

How Do Amazon Product Launch Websites Work?

Our Amazon product launch features take a different approach. Here’s how we enable FBA sellers to run tactical promotions to increase sales velocity and rank:

1. Import Your Product – We automatically import your listing data directly from Amazon to get you up and running in no time. We’ll even walk you through how to set up your promotion in Seller Central and get your coupon codes.

2. Create Your Discount – Set price and quantity of promotions to your liking. You can easily enable or pause your promotion at any time with one click.

3. List Your Product on Our Marketplace – We promote your deal and make it available to over 200K+ Amazon shoppers.

4. Approve Your Shoppers – You’ll have real Amazon shoppers requesting coupons for your product in no time. Approve requests manually or have Jungle Scout automatically approve a set number of requests per day.

5. Build Follow Up Email Campaigns – Schedule automated emails to your buyers at specific times after your product has been confirmed, shipped or delivered. This enhances your customer’s experience and reminds them to leave reviews, or encourages them to reach out for support.

Furthermore, Jungle Scout is 100% Amazon Compliant. All of our features are fully within Amazon’s TOS, providing sellers with a great way to jump start their business without breaking any rules!

Try our Launch features today!

We help thousands of sellers launch products successfully, helping increase their sales throughout the lifetime of their product and enabling them to provide excellent customer service. All the while, saving our FBA sellers time and money.

There are no risks involved with using our service, in fact, it’s a very safe way to launch products on Amazon. So what are you waiting for? You could launch or relaunch your product within 10 minutes from now!

Start Now!


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