
How to Sell on Amazon International Marketplaces

How to Sell on Amazon International Marketplaces
Table of Contents

Amazon’s Global Marketplaces

How do you sell on Amazon’s international marketplaces?

What do all Amazon marketplaces have in common?

List of Amazon Marketplaces

How to start selling in other marketplaces

When should you start selling in other marketplaces?

Amazon has 21 marketplaces worldwide, all of which allow third-party sellers to list and sell products. And through these marketplaces, Amazon offers over 350 million products.

So what are all of Amazon’s global marketplaces, how are they different, and how can you get started selling on Amazon? Let’s explore the data.

Amazon’s Global Marketplaces

Amazon also announced they are planning to launch Amazon South Africa in 2024

How do you sell on Amazon’s international marketplaces?

With the exception of a few of Amazon’s marketplaces, shoppers who arrive at one of their online stores can find and purchase various goods — from electronic books to kitchenware to appliances. Once a purchase is made, Amazon then ships the goods to the consumer via their fulfillment network.

However, while Amazon sells many of its own products (eg. the Echo and Kindle), the majority of what’s available on the site is being sold by first- or third-party vendors. 

With first-party sellers, Amazon purchases the products from the vendor wholesale and resells them. 

Third-party vendors, on the other hand, have two methods of selling on Amazon. 

  • Sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers and list their items on Amazon’s platform. Then, when a sale is made, Amazon picks, packs, and ships the product on behalf of the seller. 
  • Sellers using Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) list their products on Amazon but store and ship their own products when a sale is made.

What do all Amazon marketplaces have in common?

For the 2024 State of the Amazon Seller Report, the Jungle Scout team surveyed thousands of Amazon sellers worldwide to learn about their Amazon selling experiences. And while many of the global marketplaces have some striking differences, there are also a few surprising similarities.

  • Many Amazon businesses sell on multiple marketplaces. 46% of Amazon sellers operating in the US also operate in at least one other international marketplace. 
  • More Amazon sellers want to expand. 28% of Amazon sellers plan to grow their businesses internationally. 
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is the preferred method of selling worldwide. Over 82% of respondents, regardless of the marketplace they sell in, use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). 
  • Private label is the most popular business model. Nearly all sellers in all marketplaces (54% or higher) prefer the private label business model to all others. (Private label is a method of manufacturing and rebranding existing products to sell on Amazon.)
  • Home & Kitchen is the most popular Amazon category to sell in. At least 35% of all Amazon sellers surveyed sell products in Amazon’s Home & Kitchen category, regardless of their marketplace.

List of Amazon Marketplaces

Listed in order of seller popularity. Monthly traffic estimates are taken from

Amazon North America

Covering the United States, Canada, and Mexico, Amazon North America is an Amazon Unified Account

Amazon United States (

Traffic: 2.5 billion

Language: English

The first Amazon marketplace, the United States’ Amazon is the most popular Amazon domain in terms of both traffic and seller popularity. Of all the sellers surveyed, 77% told us that they sell in the Amazon US marketplace. And 56% of sellers who sell on live in the US.

Amazon Canada (

Traffic: 186 million

Language: English

Canada is the second most popular marketplace, behind the US. 26% of Amazon sellers sell products on the Canadian marketplace. 

Amazon Mexico (

Traffic: 103 million

Language: Spanish

Of all the sellers surveyed, 11% sell in the Amazon Mexico marketplace.

Amazon Europe

Amazon Europe is an Amazon Unified Account which includes the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. This type of account services 28 countries in Europe.

Though Amazon Netherlands (once a digital ebooks-only platform) is not a part of the Amazon Unified Account, it is a full-service Amazon marketplace.

Amazon UK (

Traffic: 369 million

Language: English

Amazon United Kingdom is the third most popular Amazon marketplace to sell in after the United States and Canada. 

Amazon Germany (

Traffic: 440 million

Language: German

By traffic, Germany is second only to the US as Amazon’s busiest marketplace. 

Amazon France (

Traffic: 174 million

Language: French

Similar to Germany, the largest group of sellers in the French marketplace are from the UK (22%). 

Amazon Italy (

Traffic: 173 million

Language: Italian

Only 9% of Amazon sellers we surveyed sell on Amazon Italy.

Amazon Spain (

Traffic: 142 million

Language: Spanish

Prior to the introduction of Amazon Netherlands*, Amazon Spain had the least amount of traffic of all the European markets. 

Amazon Netherlands (

Traffic: 27 million

Language: Dutch

Amazon Netherlands became a full-sized Amazon marketplace on March 10, 2020. Previously, Amazon Netherlands only sold ebooks.

Amazon Sweden (

Traffic: 14 million

Language: Swedish

As of October 28, 2020, Amazon Sweden is the newest full-sized marketplace offered by Amazon, and the seventh in Europe. 

Amazon Poland (

Traffic: U30 million

Language: Polish

Amazon Poland launched on Tuesday, March 2, 2021.

Individual Marketplaces

Amazon Japan (

Traffic: 974 million

Language: Japanese

Traffic to this marketplace grew over 40% over the past couple of years. 

Amazon Singapore (

Traffic: 7.18 million

Language: English

Amazon United Arab Emirates (

Traffic: 30 million

Language: English

The UAE marketplace started in 2019 following Amazon’s purchase of the Arabic online marketplace Souq. 

Amazon Brazil (

Traffic: 258 million

Language: Portuguese

8% of Brazil’s sellers are from Brazil. Unlike the other marketplaces that prefer the private label business model, sellers in the Brazlian marketplace prefer wholesale and handmade.

Amazon Australia (

Traffic: 89 million

Language: English

Launched fully in 2017, Amazon Australia boasts a broad mix of sellers from different countries. The breakdown looks like this: 16% of Amazon Australia sellers are American, 25% are Chinese, and 19% are Australian.

Amazon India (

Traffic: 847 million

Language: English

Traffic-wise, India is the fifth largest global marketplace. 

Amazon Saudi Arabia (

Traffic: 34 million

Language: Arabic

Saudi Arabia’s Amazon marketplace launched on June 17, 2020. 

Amazon Egypt (

Traffic: 36 million 

Language: Arabic

Egypt’s Amazon marketplace was previously known as and  relaunched as Amazon on September 1, 2021. The marketplace features millions of items from local and international brands. 

How to start selling in other marketplaces

Fortunately, Amazon offers a comprehensive Global Selling Guide that can help both experienced and new sellers start selling in foreign marketplaces.

Amazon’s Global Selling Guide covers:

  • All of the marketplaces where third-party sellers can sell their products
  • Product considerations
  • Language-support considerations
  • Marketplace-entry strategies
  • Taxes and regulations
  • How to set up an Amazon account in another country
  • Payments and how they work
  • Creating listings

When should you start selling in other marketplaces?

Based on which country you are in and where you’re already selling, these are the strategies we recommend:

  • Stay with the US if you’re already selling in the US.
  • If you’re selling in the EU, try selling in the US.
  • If you’re selling in any other countries, expand into the US or the EU.

To learn more about Amazon and its sellers, check out and download our “State of the Amazon Seller” report for 2023:

 State of the Amazon Seller

And are you selling in multiple Amazon marketplaces? Have you been successful? If you have any tips to share, please add them to the comments below!

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Brian Connolly is an Amazon seller, ecommerce expert, and writer for Jungle Scout. He lives in the New Jersey Shore area with his wife and cat. When he isn’t writing advice online for aspiring and experienced Amazon sellers for Jungle Scout, he spends his free time boating, fishing, and selling boating-themed items on his Amazon business.

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