New Feature: “It’s Like a Product Ideas Wish List for Amazon FBA Sellers”

This article covers how to find product ideas with Amazon FBA. If you’re new to the Amazon FBA selling process, be sure to check out our FREE class, How to Sell on Amazon FBA.

Product Groups and Recommended Products

What are they, and why do you need them?

Finding an Amazon product is a holistic process.

You can’t rely on only one signal that a product is a right opportunity to follow. It’s about looking at every aspect of product data, the product itself, your ability to make it happen and the competitive landscape.

To give you a faster, more efficient way of examining aspects of a new product idea, Jungle Scout introduces some new features – Product Groups and Recommended Products.

It’s Like a Product Ideas Wish List for Amazon FBA Sellers

When you’re browsing Amazon as a shopper, there’s a lot of information. That’s why you’re able to organize your potential purchases into a wish list. Just like Amazon inspires you to consider buying other products, we want to inspire you to track other products that are similar to ensure you have the best understanding of that niche.

This is how you can create a new group of product ideas using the Jungle Scout Web App's tracker.
This is how you can create a new group of product ideas using the Jungle Scout Web App’s tracker.

And if you’re having trouble finding product ideas, the recommended products feature will offer some great suggestions for you.

How Product Groups Work as a Product Ideas Wishlist

Note: Recommended products are available for the USA marketplace only.

Have a niche you’re interested in exploring? Creating a Product Group is a great first step.  

Start by Adding a Product Group

Type in the name of the type of product or niche you want to group together. When you’re done, that’s when Jungle Scout takes over. Of the hundreds of millions of data points we collect, we pull together recommended products based on the Product Group you entered. Think of it as a keyword search, only your keyword search translates directly into products you can track – with one click.

When your list of recommended products ideas for your group populates, you can opt to add all of them to your group (and to your Tracker). You can also pick and choose the ones you’d like to add by sorting the list based on things like Category and Price.

You can also create a Product Group without adding any of our recommended products.

If you decide later that you want a list of recommended products for your group, just click the “Recommend Products” button!  

How to Get the Product Data You Need

Product Groups are more than just a way of organizing your products. Groups also allow you to get data specific to the products in your group. This allows you to see the potential of the niche in one place, without having to slice and dice data from multiple products.

Another reason grouping products is important is that you want to make sure you’re tracking the most relevant products. For example, you don’t want to just rely on the Jungle Scout Chrome Extension’s results for a “yoga block” search when that search might have yoga mats included, too. This lets you view Amazon on your own terms.

Note: product groups work in the US marketplace only.

Based on the combined data of all of your products, the Tracker shows you, like:

  • Average Daily Units Sold. Based on the estimates of total products sold each day.
  • Average Daily Revenue. Sales prices times the average daily units sold.
  • Average Daily Rank. Based on the average Best Seller Rank for the group.
  • Average LQS. The Listing Quality Score for the group, based on Jungle Scout’s algorithm for determining the quality of the Amazon listing.
  • Average Fees + Net. Jungle Scout calculates the estimated fees of the products based on their listed size and weight. That’s how Amazon determines how much to charge a seller per unit. The net is based on the price, less Amazon’s fee.
The Jungle Scout product tracker is your #1 tool for sorting and grouping your Amazon FBA product ideas.
The Jungle Scout product tracker is your #1 tool for sorting and grouping your Amazon FBA product ideas.

We created the Product Groups feature because it makes product tracking much simpler and faster. In one look, you have a pretty good idea if the niche and product ideas you’re looking at that are worth exploring.

What should you look for in Amazon product ideas?

There are a lot of ways to succeed with Amazon. Selling a product based on your own intuition isn’t one of them.

You may have an incredible idea. You may have a brand idea you’d love to slap on a product. You may want your product to reflect your lifestyle.

These are not ways to make money on Amazon.

That’s not to say you can’t succeed if you approach private label selling in these ways. They are just much riskier. Data is the key to finding a product that will actually make you money.

That’s why when you go to type in a Product Group, you need data to back up that your Product Group has real potential. It’s not as easy as typing in “Yoga Mats” (we know, we know – that example is overused!) and chasing down the mat in the list with the most sales.

Mine the Product Database

Jungle Scout’s Database allows you to filter tens of millions of actual products on Amazon and refine them by key product success indicators. Some of those are:

  • Sales. Make sure the product ideas you have your eye on are selling at least 200-300 units/month.
  • Competition. Don’t spend a lot of time looking at products that already have 50 or more reviews. This means they are well-established and likely much more difficult to compete with.
  • Price. You can make a lot more money on Amazon with a $30 product than you can with a $5 product. The better the margin, the more you make!

Once you’ve filtered the Database and found product ideas in that sweet spot (good demand, low competition and strong margins), start tracking a few of them and build out a Product Group.

Let us do the rest of the work and build out your list with Recommended Products.

Get an overview of all your product ideas

Say you’ve got a whole bunch of ideas for products. The very first tab that you’ll hit once you log on to the product tracker is the Overview Tab.

The Overview Tab gives you quick reference data for your groups to help you get a high-concept perspective on how certain niche product ideas are performing.

Research faster, with better results

Jungle Scout’s Product Groups and Recommended Products feature is available for all plans. If you start using it today to track product ideas, you’ll soon have all of the data you need to move on an incredible product opportunity.

You can get started with Jungle Scout today for as little as $39!


* US marketplaces only


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