A puzzle representing Amazon Keyword Research

Introducing Keyword Scout – Amazon Keyword Research Made Easy

Huge news, Freedom Builders! There’s no more guesswork when it comes to Amazon PPC and HSA (headline search ad) keywords. Jungle Scout’s adding a powerful, new Amazon keyword research tool to the mix! It’s like having a marketing crystal ball for your Amazon FBA products.

Check out the benefits of this hot new tool:

  • Get hundreds of keyword suggestions from a keyword or competitor ASIN.
  • Know the exact and broad search volumes for high-converting keywords.
  • Estimate how many daily Jungle Scout promotional giveaways are needed to rank your product.
  • Learn suggested bids for Amazon PPC and HSA ads (PPC coming week of May 21).
  • A Jungle Scout plan includes all of this!


The old way of performing Amazon keyword research is dead…

Many of you know the story of how I started selling my own private label products on Amazon FBA. Back then, there weren’t any Amazon product research tools like Jungle Scout to help me figure out my estimates. I had to do the work by hand using an Excel spreadsheet and a hack known as the “999 trick.”

Five years later, Jungle Scout has a team of expert data scientists and a healthy AWS bill to produce the world’s most accurate Amazon sales data with AccuSales™.

But when it came to predicting Amazon costs, I’d just give people rules of thumb; or send them over to a keyword tool like Google or other similar tools out in the market. Essentially, I was still telling people to “build excel spreadsheets” and “do this hack.”

There had to be a better way…


Introducing Keyword Scout.

That’s why my team of data scientists and my expert Amazon seller staff put their heads together to come up with the perfect Amazon keyword research tool: Keyword Scout.

Keyword Scout is part of Jungle Scout’s suite of tools. So, if you’re already signed up, put your credit card away.

It’s already included in the deal!


How do I use Keyword Scout for my Amazon keyword research?

Just like all of our tools here at Jungle Scout, we wanted to ensure that Keyword Scout was not just powerful, but easy to use, too.

Here’s how you can use Keyword Scout to find profitable keywords in 10 seconds or less:

  1. Login to Jungle Scout
  2. Click the Keyword Scout menu button at the top of the screen. 
  3. Enter your product’s keyword or ASIN and hit enter. You can also specify a category for your search.
  4. Review your keyword opportunities. You can sort them by:
    • Keyword, alphabetically.
    • Exact Match Search Volume. This is the number of times this exact keyword is searched for on Amazon in the past month.
    • Broad Match Search Volume. This is the number of times this keyword and any related keywords such as synonyms, phrases, etc. are searched for on Amazon in the past month.
    • Dominant Category. This is the Amazon category where products related to the selected keyword are found most often.
    • Recommended Giveaway. For your product launch promotions using Jungle Scout, this clues you in on how many units of this product to giveaway daily.
    • HSA Bid. These are the estimated headline search ads bids for the selected keyword.
    • Exact PPC Bid. This is the exact bid to win 90% of keyword bids on Amazon.
    • Broad PPC Bid. This is the broad bid to win 90% of keyword bids on Amazon.
    • Relevancy Score. This is the score ranging from 1 to 100
  5. Export the keywords as a CSV (spreadsheet) file.
  6. Add the keywords into your Amazon listings and sponsored products campaigns.


Presto! The mystery is over! That’s how you can find out what your most relevant and profitable Amazon keywords are.


How does Keyword Scout help launch products?

Keyword Scout isn’t just your best tool for Amazon keyword research, but it helps with promotional giveaways, too. To the right of the Dominant Category is the Recommended Giveaway column. This column tells you the suggested number of units that you need to giveaway daily on Jungle Scout. And that’s not even the best part!

Jump Scout’s keyword targeting technology ensures that you rank for top keywords on Amazon. Combine that with the recommended giveaways and your Amazon promotions, and watch as your product starts ranking in the Top 5 in as little as 30 days.

Here’s a quick run down of how to launch a new Amazon product using Keyword Scout and Jungle Scout:

  1. Using Keyword Scout, determine the top keywords that you want your product to rank for.
  2. Create an Amazon promotion discounting your product.
  3. If you don’t already have one, get a Jungle Scout account.
  4. Create a listing for your Amazon product promotion
  5. Watch as your promotion goes live.

It’s that simple!

But if you aren’t already using Jungle Scout for product promotions and discounts, click on the button below to learn more.


What else can Keyword Scout do?

Estimate your Amazon PPC and HSA costs in advance.

Often, new and aspiring sellers will ask us how to calculate Amazon PPC and HSA costs in advance. With the help of Keyword Scout, it’s now simple! Simply review the keywords and see what the costs are.

Here’s a tip: Amazon conversion rates (that’s the percentage of people who view your product listing and purchase your product) tend to be between 10-15% for products priced under $40. So you can estimate the ACoS (advertising cost of sale) for your Amazon product by first multiplying the keyword’s suggested PPC or HSA cost by 10 (for 10% conversion rate) or 6.67 (for 15% conversion rate) then dividing that number by your product’s target sales price.

For example, if the keyword bamboo stick has a suggested PPC bid of $0.75, at a 10% conversion rate and a sales price of $19.95, your ACoS should be roughly 37.50%. At a 15% conversion rate it will be about 25%.

Discover how many shoppers are searching for products like yours every month.

You probably know how to do effective product research already, using Jungle Scout to estimate the average sales volume per month. But now that you’ve got Keyword Scout in your repertoire, you can see just how many searches are being done with related keywords!

This gives you a huge advantage, because now, not only can you estimate how well products are selling on Amazon using Niche Hunter or Extension, but you can also see how much room in the actual market there is for new sellers.


“But Greg, Keyword Scout is not the first Amazon keyword research tool!”

Great point! It’s just the first accurate, quick and easy-to-use Amazon keyword research tool that returns high-quality keywords. We would have loved it if someone else built Keyword Scout first, so we wouldn’t have needed to do it ourselves! 🙂 But what we found, and what our customers told us, was that the other Amazon keyword research tools on the market were seriously lacking.  

To start, their data was inaccurate. The competition estimates Amazon search volumes using Google or Bing data. This probably goes without saying, but those sources tend to lead to very poor quality data.  

People go to Google to search how to do something, while people go to Amazon to search for something to buy. The intent of the user is very different and, therefore, the search phrases and volumes are greatly different.

The other huge problem with the competition’s Amazon keyword research tools is their search results are largely made up of the Amazon autocompletes.  

For example, if I were to type in “bamboo sticks”, our competitors’ returns are usually words like this:


Basic keywords generated by Amazon keyword research

Finding NEW keyword ideas

These keywords are kind of decent (trying to be nice here), but they all include the words marshmallow and sticks! That means I could just bid for “marshmallow sticks” in broad match and I would show up for all of those results.

It has given me ZERO new keyword ideas. 🙁

Now let’s take a look at the results in Keyword Scout, for the same seed keyword, Marshmallow Sticks:

List of phrases generated by Amazon keyword research

Wow! Big difference.  

For one, there are 1,293 results instead of 96, and it includes a lot of new keyword ideas that are actually relevant to my product. People use marshmallow sticks for camping, s’mores, fire pits, etc., so these are all excellent keywords to include in my listing! 

Our competitors’ tools wouldn’t have listed these keyword alternatives.  


Keyword Scout is for Amazon sellers, by Amazon sellers.

One big thing you’ll always hear us say at Jungle Scout is that we don’t simply “talk the talk”… we “walk the walk”, too. Therefore, when we set out to build an Amazon keyword research tool, we knew we had to make one that sellers actually cared about.

To make that happen, I held over 100 interviews with actual sellers, both on my team and outside of Jungle Scout. The plan? To find out what you, the seller, want. I wanted to make sure that your needs were included in the final product.

Additionally, Keyword Scout is one of the first Amazon keyword research tools made specifically for Amazon keyword research. While Google Keyword Tool and Keywords.io are great for planning, neither tool gives you the raw data and bid values for Amazon keywords.


How does Keyword Scout get its data?

The search volume values come straight from Amazon. Seriously.  

These aren’t search volume “estimates” like our competitors use. These are actual search volumes, straight from the source. There is nobody else that has more accurate data; this is as good as it gets!

For the recommended giveaway values, these are derived from helping tens of thousands of sellers launch products on Jungle Scout.  

We’ve helped sellers launch their products through giveaways and can now estimate how many giveaways would be required to rank in the top three spots for a respective keyword.  The number of giveaways shown in Keyword Scout is what would be required for the first 7-7 days to achieve the top three spots.

This value is, of course, an estimate because individuals factors like conversion rate, price, quality of listing, etc. would all come into play. But, it still acts as a great guiding star!


How can I get Keyword Scout to help with my Amazon keyword research?

Keyword Scout is part of Jungle Scout’s suite of tools. If you aren’t familiar with Jungle Scout, here are the other tools included with a subscription (tools vary based on the plan you purchase), in addition to Keyword Scout:

  • The Product Tracker. Stalk your competitor’s products, follow sales trends, macro trends, price changes and more. Plus, it integrates with Extension.
  • The Product Database. Looking for an easy way to sort and filter Amazon’s massive product catalog? The Product Database does just that. You can sort products by category, price, ratings, revenue, and more!
  • The Niche Hunter. Want a fast and easy way to find hot-selling Amazon products, without spending hours combing through Amazon’s catalog? Check out the Niche Hunter. Included with Jungle Scout, this tool has helped thousands of sellers find high profit products in a jiff!


Read what people are saying about Jungle Scout.

If you’re new to Jungle Scout, you should probably learn why we server more Amazon sellers than any of our competitors combined.

Check out these testimonials!

“My team loves Jungle Scout as it is the best Amazon software out there. I love Jungle Scout’s creator, Greg Mercer. He has a teacher’s heart. (Greg) doesn’t just create a tool. He educates his users all about succeeding on Amazon and using Amazon as a tool for personal success.”

– Robert Kiyosaki, entrepreneur and best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad


“Jungle Scout is the ONE tool I can not live without. There’s ways to use it that simply blow you away once you realize the power of what they can do for your business. A must-have tool for any Amazon seller!”

– Scott Voelker, The Amazon Seller Podcast

For Amazon keyword research and more, we’re here to help! 

One of the things I’m most proud of with this company is how we’ve got a full-time staff of Amazon expert customer success specialists to help our customers. This team of 20+ rock stars works around the clock, 24-hours a day, 365 days per year, to answer all of your Jungle Scout and Amazon selling questions.

On average, 97% of people who talk to our support team give us great ratings!


Start your Amazon keyword research off right! 

We’re very excited about Keyword Scout – our powerful Amazon keyword research tool – and we hope you are, too. Already, for the folks who are a part of the Jungle Scout team of expert sellers, this fun tool has been a total game-changer. Myself included!

If you want to build a successful Amazon FBA business and crush it with Amazon PPC, then do yourself a huge favor and subscribe to Jungle Scout today.


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