April 2022 Amazon Seller News

Amazon sellers need to keep up with so much in their day-to-day business operations that it’s easy to miss important information, news, and updates regarding selling on Amazon.

Our team of Amazon selling experts at Jungle Scout always keeps their finger on the pulse of ecommerce and will publish every Amazon update, big and small, on this page. 

Your one-stop shop for timely seller news related to your Amazon business, here’s what you can expect from Jungle Scout’s Amazon Seller News:

  • Time-sensitive news
  • Amazon Terms of Service updates
  • Amazon fee change updates
  • New selling features or tools
  • Emerging trends
  • Brand Registry news
  • Amazon Seller Conferences 

And much more.

For up-to-the-minute Amazon seller alerts, follow Jungle Scout on  LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook; and make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently to never miss any important updates or news that could affect your Amazon business! 


Time-sensitive news updates

Prime Day 2022 will take place in July

April 28, 2022 | Amazon Seller News

In their Q1 2022 earnings report, Amazon announced that Prime Day 2022 will take place in July in more than 20 countries.

While Amazon hasn’t shared the exact dates of the shopping event, sellers should begin preparing now to ensure their products reach Amazon’s fulfillment centers before the Prime Day FBA shipping deadline of June 20th. 


April 2022

Amazon Prime Day Week Deals Deadline

April 21, 2022 | Amazon Seller News

Amazon sellers have until April 29, 2022 (11:59 p.m. PDT) to submit recommended Lightning Deals for Prime Day Week. Submitting deals does not guarantee your deal will be available on Prime Day or during Prime Day Week.



Prime Day 2022 FBA shipping deadline

April 21, 2022 | Amazon Seller News

The deadline for Amazon FBA inventory for Prime Day is June 20th, 2022. If you want your inventory to be available during Prime Day Week, make sure your inventory arrives before this date.

As of April 25, 2022, Amazon has not announced the official dates for Prime Day Week. Based on the previous years, we can assume that it will take place in July. As soon as Amazon releases this year’s dates, we will announce them here.


Amazon Patent Evaluation Express

April 20, 2022 | Brand Registry news

Amazon launched a new program called the Amazon Patent Evaluation Express tool that allows Brand Registered sellers to report listings that may violate intellectual property.

“Rights owners or agents who have concerns about potential intellectual property violations of their utility patents can apply to the Amazon Patent Evaluation Express (APEX) program using the Report a Violation tool in Amazon Brand Registry. APEX allows U.S. utility patent owners to obtain a neutral evaluation of a patent infringement claim against ASINs on Amazon.com.” 

For more information about the program and how to apply, visit the Amazon Patent Evaluation Express help page.


Dangerous goods shipment policy update

April 19, 2022 | Amazon TOS Updates

Effective April 25, 2022, dangerous goods can no longer be shipped to US island destinations through FBA. 

Sellers must use third-party shipping companies to fulfill dangerous goods orders to those select destinations. 

Please visit the Dangerous goods identification guide (hazmat) page for more information. 

To find third-party logistics companies to work with, check out our guide on Alternatives to Amazon Fulfillment


New FBA storage type: Extra-Large

April 18, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Effective April 18, 2022, Amazon is offering a new storage type, extra-large, in addition to the oversized storage type. Amazon will now determine your FBA quantity limits for extra-large and oversize items separately. 

For more information, check out the Extra-large FBA inventory help page.


Small and Light price threshold to increase to $10

April 18, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Effective April 28, 2022, Amazon will increase the Small and Light threshold for eligible products from $8 to $10. 

Small and Light helps sellers offer more low-cost products on Amazon by reducing fulfillment fees. This update allows more products to become eligible for the program.

For more information, please visit the FBA Small and Light help page


New Brand Analytics search dashboards

April 14, 2022 | Amazon Brand Registry updates

Amazon launched two new Brand Analytics search dashboards available to sellers enrolled in Brand Registry: Search Catalog Performance and Search Query Performance.

The two dashboards provide valuable insights into your customers’ shopping funnels and the top keyword searches relevant to your brand.

The Search Catalog Performance dashboard shows key shopping metrics such as impressions, clicks, cart adds, and purchases.

The Search Query Performance dashboard shows which keywords your customers are searching for and the search volume. 

For more information, go to the Brand Analytics page in Seller Central.


Amazon FBA fulfillment fee update

April 13, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Effective April 28, 2022, Amazon will implement a fuel and inflation surcharge of 5% on top of your current FBA fulfillment fees. Amazon states the surcharge is subject to change. 

Please visit the 2022 US FBA fulfillment fee changes help page for more information. 

To learn more about the fees you’ll pay as an Amazon seller, check out this guide: Amazon FBA Fees: How They Work and How to Profit as a Seller.


Product image update within search results

April 8, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Amazon customers can now scroll through product images without clicking through into a product detail page. This proves the importance of having high-quality images on your Amazon listing. 

If a customer does not like what they see, they will not likely click through. 

To learn more about improving your product images, check out this article: 2021 Amazon Product Images Requirements & Best Practices


Returns Provider program for seller-fulfilled orders

April 4, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Amazon launched the Returns Provider program to help international sellers who do not have a US return address manage returns from US customers. 

Your Amazon returns will be sent to a service provider’s domestic warehouse address.

For more information, please visit the Returns Provider program help page

To learn more about Amazon’s return policy, check out our guide on How Amazon’s Return Policy Affects Sellers.


March 2022 

Brand Referral Bonus program

March 16, 2022 | Brand Registry updates

Amazon loves when sellers drive traffic to their website from outside traffic sources, and now they will reward you for doing so. Amazon sellers can earn a bonus up to 10% of sales driven by non-Amazon marketing efforts with the Brand Referral Bonus program. 

As of now, only Brand Registered sellers can enroll in the Bonus Referral program.

For more information, please visit the Brand Referral Bonus page. 

To learn more about driving off-Amazon traffic and tracking those sales, check out this guide: Amazon Attribution: How to Track Off-Amazon Traffic to Your Listings.


Automatic removal of aging inventory

March 15, 2022 | Amazon Seller news

Starting April 15, 2022, Amazon will automatically remove the following inventory from fulfillment centers:

  • Units that have been in fulfillment centers for over 365 days and that are subject to long-term storage fees
  • Units of ASINs that haven’t sold in six or more consecutive months and that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 180 days

Sellers do have the option to opt out of the automatic removals.

For more information, please visit the automated fulfillable inventory removal help page.


US Multi-Channel Fulfillment fees update

March 10, 2022 | Amazon fees update

Starting May 9, 2022, Amazon will increase fulfillment fees for multi-channel fulfillment orders. Amazon is doing this to be competitive with other third-party logistics providers.

Starting August 1, 2022, additional surcharges will apply to orders in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Alaska.

For more information, please visit the 2022 US Multi-Channel Fulfillment fee changes page


FBA New Selection changes

March 1, 2022 | Brand Registry updates 

Starting March 1, 2022, Amazon will provide a monthly rebate of 5% on your sales of eligible new-to-FBA ASINs for brands enrolled in Brand Registry. 

From Amazon: 

  • Eligible oversize items: The rebate will apply on up to 30 units per new parent ASIN for up to 90 days
  • Eligible standard-size items: The rebate will apply on up to 50 units per new parent ASIN for up to 90 days
  • Eligible items in the Apparel and Shoe categories: The rebate will apply on up to 100 units per new parent ASIN for up to 120 days

For more information, please visit the FBA New Selection page. 


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